My weight loss journey series: vol 7 – Problem of becoming complacent

It has been a couple of months since my last post. My weight has only been creeping down a little bit, before coming to a halt. Currently my total weight loss stands at about 13kg (28.66 lbs).

The weight aside, how about my waist measurement? To my amazement, it has gone down by 10cm (4 inches), however, it only became reality in it’s all glory when I put the old measurement around my waist. Only then I realised how much it actually means! My husband found it difficult to believe the starting measurement was correct, as did I, as it looks like such a big difference. So even though the weight hasn’t moved down by a lot in the recent months, there still has been some amazing development.

Now, what are the reasons why I haven’t been able to shift the weight as according to my targets in the recent months? I hold my hands up and say it’s because of my own doings.

I’ve become complacent because of my to-date success, and very relaxed with my diet. As the scale is showing great numbers as opposed to the starting weight, as well as the tape measure, and I’m wearing smaller size clothes, I’ve become happy about the current weight, and have taken my eye off the ball.

As I’m not anywhere close to where I should be, I must get back to being strict again. It’s not always easy. As I’m on a journey that takes a long time, it’s hard to keep going. My journey has been knocked back by a few months, which means it’s now going to take a lot longer for me to reach my targets, however I’m still determined to get where I want to be.

Hopefully in my next post I have regained some new energy and have been able to get another kick-start.

Author: luxlifefinn

Lover of good food. Fine dining as a hobby, home cooking as a passion.

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